
160 Game Reviews

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So... This game isn't too bad of a puzzle game. However, the thing that really kills this game is the movement. It should be tile-based all the time, not when the game "wants" to. Sometimes I'll be shoved into a tile, and sometimes I'll move one little bit past the mark I want to move and it screws me over. The puzzles aren't hard, in fact, I'm sure I could beat this game if I worked hard enough. However, the movement and constantly having to fight the game for the control of the character gets old fast.

Also, the constant "sword get" thing is really repetitive. It's something you should honestly be able to turn off the function after seeing it so many times. The whole game in fact gets really repetitive really fast. And that's another thing that really kills this game. It's a fun time waster until you realize it's not worth the hassle.

As for the good. The gameplay would be just about perfect if it were tilebased like Final Fantasy or A Link to the Past. This game has potential, but it squanders it with the things that kill the game. On top of that, the music is good. It is fun to listen to, but after trying certain puzzles so many times, that too, gets repetitive.

Anyway. A good attempt, but honestly I don't see why this ended up on the front page. It's certainly not deserving of that.

Welp... The importing save option doesn't work. Sort of a game breaker that the game can't bring back my data which is suddenly gone even though I've been playing this almost every day for 2 weeks. Game breaker that completely kills the entire game when you play and suddenly the game data disappears. And I was almost at end game... I assume? I had mostly discovered almost the entirety of all three maps including most of the secret areas. It really hurts me that I lost that.

Other than that, the game is really great. Unlike a similar game like Minecraft, you're working towards an actual goal and there is actually a plot. I love this game, and I love how it shifts as you meet new characters and then shifts as you travel to new places. So many things make this game great that I don't think I could sit here for the next hour and list each one. This really isn't a hard game, you just have to know how to manage your resources and know when not to fight battles. The game is a great way to let people strategize and come up with ways to do different things easily. And even when you leave the first island and move to the other island, there are still times where you'll go back to the other island for certain things. I love this game and I definitely would love to see the full finished game done. For a demo, this is better developed than most actual games. There's plenty to do even when not engaged in plot, and you can keep yourself busy for a very long time.

The only reason this game doesn't get a full mark is because of the save system. Yes... I'm very salty about losing two weeks of work and not being able to get it back despite the fact I have a save I can import because I suspected I'd eventually lose my data due to cookies being replaced or deleted. That's just a dick move by the game for no real reason.

davidmaletz responds:

Do you mind sending me your exported .asav file? It should have no problem importing it - just drag and drop it in the game window or select options -> import save on the title page. If there's something wrong with the save file, I might be able to fix it.

Um... Am I supposed to be able to do something? Right now there is absolutely no interactivity between the player and the battle. I tried clicking everything and so far nothing. When reading the description, it sounded like I was supposed to be able to move cards around, but so far I haven't been able to do anything other than watch all my side's characters die. I clicked the heart once and it did... something? But it only happened once and since then I still went back to being able to do nothing.

Nonoplayer responds:

Thank you for trying it out. There are two controls: click to swap/rearrange your squads' spawn priorities BEFORE battle start; click to feed hearts to unlock monsters' effects anytime.

Why?! Why is this game so addictive?! It's simple, yet effective. Surprising you managed to make a good game out of this. Normally this kind of game would be VERY boring to me. But you did a pretty good job at taking a simple subject matter with little in the way of content and made the most out of it. I never imagined such a simple game could be so addictive.

jeremy7986 responds:

Thanks for your review! At the past time, I thought why Tetris is a fun classic game. How Tetris can let player to have fun. That's why I wanted to design a simple but addictive game. Of course, thanks Ugandan Knuckles! and thanks the composer! :D

And thank you again! I'm glad to see you enjoy this game! :D

Well... I'm going to break down my review here and say there are a lot of good and bad things about the game. I basically am breaking it down into the bad and the good. So, starting with the things that need improvement...

Honestly, the game got boring pretty fast. Especially when most of the game is RNG and you have to just hope your people win their fights. Some levels my swarms did good, sometimes they didn't. It really just depends on the mood of the game. There are times where you will die more than your enemies just due to sheer enemy hax and lose just because your people are tougher.

The real secret to this game is to just get your killers past the half way point. Once you start pushing the enemy back, you basically win as long as you keep making more minions.

This game really isn't all that fun in all honesty. There's really no skill involved. You can have the best strategy and still lose, or you can just not care and win.

Also, the inability to tell your minions who to attack is overly annoying for the game. There are times where my minions just run into something and can't figure out how to get around things like the worm. And sometimes they just stop attacking for no reason and take hits. I can swarm enemies and sometimes my minions will just stop trying and die. Sometimes they'll get knocked back and just give up, and not move. It seems like an intentional design flaw to not allow the player some control over who attacks who. So many times I could have done so much better if I could have had certain minions attack certain other minions.

I also noticed that if an enemy gets behind your line, there's a weird thing where your minions won't go back and help your queen. I tried spawning new minions so they'd be right there and attack the person attacking the queen, but they end up not doing it. I don't know what causes this, but it is a big problem that would again be fixed by letting the player have some input on telling who to attack who. Cause you can lose a level you're wining JUST because an enemy got behind your lines and you can't do anything to attack it.

As for the good things... It's well made though... I will say that. For what it is, it runs better than 90% of flash games I've played on this site, so thats a good thing. I don't know what you do differently, but this game runs great compared to some other games I've played recently that were "supposed" to run good on my computer but don't.

Also, the mechanics. This game has great mechanics, and for the most part, adds depth to the game. Choosing what minions to send in and strategizing is supposed to be how you win the game (even if the RNG sorta negates that aspect). But understanding what you're going for, and it makes a pretty good game. If it were a little more skill based and a little more interactive with the player, it would have held my interest a lot longer.

Now... The RNG element to the fighting DOES add a good thing to the game as well... And that's the chance for casual gamers to still be able to do well enough to win levels if they get lucky. While I don't like this aspect of games, it does at least have that advantage for some people.

Wormy was a great idea. Though I wish it were possible to attack the bees that fly at you. It would be nice if there was a little less punishment for just getting bee'd. There's no way to avoid the bees, and if you don't control the area around the worm fast enough, it can pretty much ruin you. But overall though, the idea was pretty solid. I did love the idea of Wormy and it does help to have the extra help at certain times.

This game has a lot going for it in terms of love put into it. I can tell a LOT of effort went into this game and that's something that shows how much you dedicated yourself to this game. And I will give you points for that, because it's obvious you wanted to go for something a little different than what most flash games would go for in a game like this. And I can respect that.

Overall, it's a fairly good game. It's well made, though it does have it's flaws. So good work. If the flaws were fixed, this would be a lot more fun and I might have held my interest in it longer. But unfortunately, the lack of interactivity with being able to control the minions sorta made this game more like a movie combined with playing Simon Says than an actual game.

My only complaint is that it seemed a bit short. But it was quite a mind puzzler in some spots. It did a pretty good job between difficulty and hints to help you along.

Overall a pretty fun way to challenge your brain. Just wish it was a bit longer cause I was sad to see it end.

selfdefiant responds:

Thanks! I know it could have been longer. I didn't want to make it too long though. I will be able to make sequel. :)

Well... I'm not good at these kinds of games... But this was a pretty well made game. The only problem I had was the first boss for me was unkillable. The shots (which I assume you hit the orange spots on the bosses midsection) go right through and don't hurt the boss at all. I got a few lucky hits and destroyed one of the three spots somehow, but 90% of the shots don't hit the hitbox. I'm pretty sure this has to be some sort of glitch as I was able to destroy one.

This does require a lot more focus than I can put into a game. But that's not a bad thing. This game just isn't for me, and I wish I was better at these kinds of games because this looks like a really great game that I would want to play all the way through. I wish there was an infinite lives cheat or something so I could play through to the end... But oh well.

I wanted to make it past the first level so I could review the rest of the game... But I could not.

Basically a very choppy version of Super Meat Boy. No thanks. I knew this game was going to be a challenge to control when I couldn't go in the first door because of how "floaty" the running is.

So... I do like the visuals. And if the game were able to be controlled better, it would be fun. However, currently, the games has more problems than it should. I understand that you made this in a month, and it's not bad for a game with so little work put into it (As most people work on games like these for far longer).

However, the game engine needs a LOT of work. Assuming you were going for a Super Meat Boy style, you first need to work on making the controls more fluid and the frames less choppy. Currently, the game is next to unplayable because the game seems to have an ice physics mechanic and it doesn't work. It would be one thing if the levels were designed to be ice levels, but currently, the controls just don't work as is. There is also an increase in choppiness every time you jump which immediately makes jumping a chore.

This game would be more fun if it were more fluid and controlled better.

I also noticed that the game doesn't save. That's a big issue especially if the game crashes like it did for me. The crashing I assume was just my browser being overloaded because games like these slow down my browser considerably, but having to start over every time the game is loaded just doesn't work.

Honestly, this game should have had far more work put into it before releasing it. Currently it's just a game where you play a few levels and then you end up quitting when the game gets difficult because you can't handle the controls.

Mattykins9 responds:

Thank you for your to-the-point feedback.

I'm sorry that you had performance issues, the few computers I tested it on seemed to play fine with no frame-dropping or anything like that. Would you mind private messaging me some information about your computer? I would definitely like to look into the problem and fix it if possible.

Thanks for playing and taking the time to write a review.

The game's controls are choppy and make the game pretty much unplayable. The game hesitates EVERY time you jump. I was actually doing good for a while dodging all the gold (As I assumed from the name and theme that that is the point). But at some point, the game just got too unforgiving and punished you for not using the floaty controls right. It's not exactly good design to punish a player for not being able to use basic controls for the game because it's designed like holy hell.

Also, the screen shake when you get hit makes you nauseous after a while. I almost never have that issue with games and this game I had to stop playing because getting hit was actually making me nauseous.

Another issue is that the game is unbalanced in there are times where you need to avoid getting hit, but then there's other times where its just faster to take a hit and move on.

To be honest... This game isn't bad, but its poor design kill the game before long. If the game had semi-decent controls, it would be far more forgiving.

Well... I suppose if you want to play a crappy drawn version of Castlevania's first level then this is for you I guess...

I am a nerd. Nothing else needs to be said...

Darkfire SuperSonic @SS4FlameAlchemist

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