A wonderful episode. It's nice to see the team back, and to see more stuff going on.
However, my only real criticism is that the twist about the reveal of the leader of the Acolytes (Avoiding spoilers so I'm not mentioning names) came completely out of left field from a narrative prospective. I'm sure you've been planning this for a long time so it may not have seemed like it was completely random to you since you've been working on this for years, but to the audience, the story just sort of came out of left field and honestly doesn't feel like it really fits what has been established about the character thus far. Not only that, but you did that story already with the other Remy who betrayed the Exiles, so now it just feels redundant to have another member of the team be evil. However, it is your story at the end of the day, and I can't really say what should or shouldn't happen. It's just my opinion.
Also, when did this Jon Talbain get ice powers? That also seemed a little out of left field. Not a complaint though, more just a curiosity question.
I'm sad that we may or may not ever truly know the story of what happened in between the episodes that led us to this point. It feels like that's where the story for this episode should have been. It feels like the Acolytes should have been the focus. But then again, you have had a habit of telling more stories off screen than the fights themselves.
But overall, it was a great fight, the animation was great as always, and it did still manage to tell a great story. I get you were probably trying to close out this series in order to move on, and it was great that you got that chance. It was great for us as an audience as well to get to experience the end of the story, even if it felt like we skipped a lot of crucial plot details. I can only hope that one day we get to experience those missing plot details.
Overall, I don't want you think my negative criticism is me trying to be overly critical, and despite how much time I spent talking about the main one, they really are only minor complaints. I still enjoyed this a lot regardless and hope your future is bright for whatever you move on to next. I'm not sure if the VG Exiles thing is going to end or if you're planning another series based on the ending, but I wish you luck in whatever you're planning to do next.