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Recent Movie Reviews

473 Movie Reviews

A wonderful episode. It's nice to see the team back, and to see more stuff going on.

However, my only real criticism is that the twist about the reveal of the leader of the Acolytes (Avoiding spoilers so I'm not mentioning names) came completely out of left field from a narrative prospective. I'm sure you've been planning this for a long time so it may not have seemed like it was completely random to you since you've been working on this for years, but to the audience, the story just sort of came out of left field and honestly doesn't feel like it really fits what has been established about the character thus far. Not only that, but you did that story already with the other Remy who betrayed the Exiles, so now it just feels redundant to have another member of the team be evil. However, it is your story at the end of the day, and I can't really say what should or shouldn't happen. It's just my opinion.

Also, when did this Jon Talbain get ice powers? That also seemed a little out of left field. Not a complaint though, more just a curiosity question.

I'm sad that we may or may not ever truly know the story of what happened in between the episodes that led us to this point. It feels like that's where the story for this episode should have been. It feels like the Acolytes should have been the focus. But then again, you have had a habit of telling more stories off screen than the fights themselves.

But overall, it was a great fight, the animation was great as always, and it did still manage to tell a great story. I get you were probably trying to close out this series in order to move on, and it was great that you got that chance. It was great for us as an audience as well to get to experience the end of the story, even if it felt like we skipped a lot of crucial plot details. I can only hope that one day we get to experience those missing plot details.

Overall, I don't want you think my negative criticism is me trying to be overly critical, and despite how much time I spent talking about the main one, they really are only minor complaints. I still enjoyed this a lot regardless and hope your future is bright for whatever you move on to next. I'm not sure if the VG Exiles thing is going to end or if you're planning another series based on the ending, but I wish you luck in whatever you're planning to do next.

That... was really sad and disturbing at the end... Good job.

Yeah... I kind of agree. They've been adding a lot of Fire Emblem characters and honestly, I like the games, but they need to give other franchises some love. It's getting a little repetitive with the Fire Emblem characters... Seriously, when I saw Byleth, I was like "Who is this? A Marth/Link hybrid?"

Also, those arrow shots were really slow. Were they supposed to move that slow and clunky? I get if it was for a joke, but it seemed really out of place for the arrows to be moving as slow as they were.

So. I just finished all four episodes, and was pretty surprised how good this is. The story here is pretty good, and the voice acting is also pretty good as well. The animation could use a little work, but since this is an individually made project, it gets some slack on that regard.

The only real thing that I have to criticize is that the story is very cliche. I like the idea of doing a world with government regulated super heroes, and that part is something that isn't done very often, but the story itself around Zero Point is drawing on a lot of major cliches. I really hope that you try to come up with something more unique given this show's plot. I also think Samson should have been the main villian of the series since he seems like a good antagonist. I was sort of sad to see the best character in this show get killed off after only four episodes. Honestly, I think it would have been a more interesting plot to have Samson and Zero Point as rivals, and Samson trying to undermine the government's regulation of post-humans, which seemed like he was trying to do. It would have been very interesting to explore the regulation's effects on superheroes and how they're viewed by Zero Point and Samson given how they both seem to want to do good, but go about it oppositely. However, now we're left with a very obvious main villain of the series, and honestly, there's not much now to come back for since the rest of the story of this is fairly obvious given the cliches. I hope you come up with some more unique aspects of the story rather than "The government is evil and you work for evil" story that seems to be the main focus. You have shown that you have the talent to come up with great stories, given how awesome this world is so far. I just hope that you don't go down the cliche road.

Overall, the series is very interesting, and I do plan to follow it.

Prozac-Boy responds:

Thanks for the feedback, really appreciated it! There's definitely room for improvement with the writing side of things since this is my first time writing a script. The issues outlined will be addressed in the next series, it was quite a learning experience doing this that's for sure!

Recent Game Reviews

203 Game Reviews

I will say that this ended up being a lot more difficult than I was prepared for. The difficulty is fine and all, but there really should be an easy mode for people who aren't as coordinated. I also think that some of the symbols still look way too similar to use, especially with the added mechanics in the game like rotating and disappearing. It was easier with the upgrades, but still a lot more difficult than it needed to be.

But overall, the stories seemed pretty engaging and I liked that each one was different. I am very curious to see what comes next. Honestly, the story has been more engaging than some of the pictures and sex scenes, which is a good thing for me. It was an unexpected pleasure to see a good story here rather than just sex scenes. I hadn't played this game in a long time so I didn't remember most of it, but I did sort of enjoy the game as a whole.

I would also think about updating the game rather than reuploading it. Having to go through the game all over again with each new version seems a little extreme. Either update the game, or have an easy mode option for those that just want to play the new story especially since the new stories are much harder and for most us will require upgrades.

But overall, a very nice job. This game has come a long way from what it used to be and it's nice to see it's still being improved upon.

This game was fun, but the size of the screen needs to be reduced. I don't know if it's just me or not, but the screen is too big for my monitor, and I can't see the streak counter or the ring (Sorry, RANG counter). Other than that, it was pretty fun.

I did like that some characters played differently, like Knackles being able to fly and Shaq being able to hit basketballs into a net. I kinda wish there was more differences between each character, since most of them control the same, but I realize that it would make the making of this game much more difficult.

Darren responds:

Dunno if you've been back since, but I did adjust the size shortly after your review. Have added the rest of the characters and medals since, and some of those characters play a little differently (the one you unlock with Tom shoots bullets, for instance) and all characters have a hot streak mechanic (catch fire for a bit after a streak of 25) to spice things up.

Recent Audio Reviews

111 Audio Reviews

It's a good remix. Don't get me wrong. But the instruments REALLY don't blend well together... The sound honestly would sound much better with some different instruments at certain parts. And also, the first thirty seconds are akin to ear rape. You should remove the first thirty seconds as they really have no bearing on the song and just sound like there should be a few more instruments in there. Once you get into the later parts of the song, it sounds a lot better, but the beginning of the song just sounds really bad in certain spots.

But a 5 anyway. Cause most of my complaining is just me being nitpicky. I'm sure there's a lot of people that WILL enjoy this song more than me. Just because I don't like the beginning doesn't mean it's not a great remix.

PaulyBFromDa303 responds:

It's ok dude. I'd rather hear things I can improve on than hear "this is absolute shit" or "This is the best thing ever". Honesty is the key to improvement. Appreciate the review.

The purpose of the beginning is buildup. I can't just jump into it, especially since its still accurate to the original. It's very crucial. Though you could be right about the amount of detail in that part, maybe adding and changing wouldn't have hurt.

Thanks again for the honesty. I appreciate that. Keep tuned


Seriously. The best song I've heard in a LOOOOOONG time.


I wish Vaati had gotten more love. He deserved to be in more games.

Recent Art Reviews

34 Art Reviews

Very nice picture. The art style looks amazing. It's detailed, somewhat realistic, and everything looks like it's got proper proportions. This one is definitely going in the favorites list.

It's actually kinda nice to see a picture of this succubus after all this time. This picture is really great and definitely looks like a great representation of the character.

Very nice. I feel like Castlevania doesn't get enough love when it comes to fan art. This is a really great picture. I always thought Shanoa looked strange in the game, but this art style definitely makes the character look far better than she did in the game.

I am a nerd. Nothing else needs to be said...

Darkfire SuperSonic @SS4FlameAlchemist

Age 36, Male

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