Sorry, but things just killed this game. The controls for the first thing, are just annoying. I found that the jump mostly wasn't high or far enough. There were certain jumps that I only made half of the time. The controls were extremely touchy, making me hit enemies by mistake because I can't attack correctly. The enemies themselves were pretty reasonable. They weren't difficult once you got their patterns down, but getting close enough to attack was a bit of a pain. He should have had multiple attacks, combining close range and meduim or long range. his weapon was far too short, since in order to get close enough to actually do damage, you usually get hit if the enemy decides to turn around. Also, there were a LOT of places where I couldn't tell if a certain spot was walkable or not. I ended up dying a few times because I thought something was walkable when it was just decoration.
There are a few things that save this from being a totally unexcusably annoying game. the physics was good, aside from some issues with the jumping (but that might be me being nitpicky). Physics can usually make or break a game. Most of the controls flowed smoothly, meaning that the buttons did what they were supposed to do. I can't count the number of games I have played where you have to hit a button multiple times to get it to work, so I was definitely glad when I saw that this game was not like that. I did notice a little lagging on the jumping, but I am still not sure if that was my computer or not, so I can't count that against you. The game itself was pretty well developed except for those few things that made the game annoyingly difficult.
I did like infinite continue option. Sure you started at the beginning of the level, but you didn't have to start completely over unlike most games. The levels were a far length. Not too short, not too long, so the continues starting at the beginning of the levels weren't that big a deal. The enemies seemed to have very touchy hit boxes. I had a few times where I thought I didn't touch an enemy and took damage. This was especially true with bombs and missiles.
All in all, it was a decent game, but it had a few things that just made the gameplay not worth it. Some of them seem pretty easy to fix, but I don't know, since I don't make games.