So. I just finished all four episodes, and was pretty surprised how good this is. The story here is pretty good, and the voice acting is also pretty good as well. The animation could use a little work, but since this is an individually made project, it gets some slack on that regard.
The only real thing that I have to criticize is that the story is very cliche. I like the idea of doing a world with government regulated super heroes, and that part is something that isn't done very often, but the story itself around Zero Point is drawing on a lot of major cliches. I really hope that you try to come up with something more unique given this show's plot. I also think Samson should have been the main villian of the series since he seems like a good antagonist. I was sort of sad to see the best character in this show get killed off after only four episodes. Honestly, I think it would have been a more interesting plot to have Samson and Zero Point as rivals, and Samson trying to undermine the government's regulation of post-humans, which seemed like he was trying to do. It would have been very interesting to explore the regulation's effects on superheroes and how they're viewed by Zero Point and Samson given how they both seem to want to do good, but go about it oppositely. However, now we're left with a very obvious main villain of the series, and honestly, there's not much now to come back for since the rest of the story of this is fairly obvious given the cliches. I hope you come up with some more unique aspects of the story rather than "The government is evil and you work for evil" story that seems to be the main focus. You have shown that you have the talent to come up with great stories, given how awesome this world is so far. I just hope that you don't go down the cliche road.
Overall, the series is very interesting, and I do plan to follow it.