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A wonderful episode. It's nice to see the team back, and to see more stuff going on.

However, my only real criticism is that the twist about the reveal of the leader of the Acolytes (Avoiding spoilers so I'm not mentioning names) came completely out of left field from a narrative prospective. I'm sure you've been planning this for a long time so it may not have seemed like it was completely random to you since you've been working on this for years, but to the audience, the story just sort of came out of left field and honestly doesn't feel like it really fits what has been established about the character thus far. Not only that, but you did that story already with the other Remy who betrayed the Exiles, so now it just feels redundant to have another member of the team be evil. However, it is your story at the end of the day, and I can't really say what should or shouldn't happen. It's just my opinion.

Also, when did this Jon Talbain get ice powers? That also seemed a little out of left field. Not a complaint though, more just a curiosity question.

I'm sad that we may or may not ever truly know the story of what happened in between the episodes that led us to this point. It feels like that's where the story for this episode should have been. It feels like the Acolytes should have been the focus. But then again, you have had a habit of telling more stories off screen than the fights themselves.

But overall, it was a great fight, the animation was great as always, and it did still manage to tell a great story. I get you were probably trying to close out this series in order to move on, and it was great that you got that chance. It was great for us as an audience as well to get to experience the end of the story, even if it felt like we skipped a lot of crucial plot details. I can only hope that one day we get to experience those missing plot details.

Overall, I don't want you think my negative criticism is me trying to be overly critical, and despite how much time I spent talking about the main one, they really are only minor complaints. I still enjoyed this a lot regardless and hope your future is bright for whatever you move on to next. I'm not sure if the VG Exiles thing is going to end or if you're planning another series based on the ending, but I wish you luck in whatever you're planning to do next.

That... was really sad and disturbing at the end... Good job.

Yeah... I kind of agree. They've been adding a lot of Fire Emblem characters and honestly, I like the games, but they need to give other franchises some love. It's getting a little repetitive with the Fire Emblem characters... Seriously, when I saw Byleth, I was like "Who is this? A Marth/Link hybrid?"

Also, those arrow shots were really slow. Were they supposed to move that slow and clunky? I get if it was for a joke, but it seemed really out of place for the arrows to be moving as slow as they were.

So. I just finished all four episodes, and was pretty surprised how good this is. The story here is pretty good, and the voice acting is also pretty good as well. The animation could use a little work, but since this is an individually made project, it gets some slack on that regard.

The only real thing that I have to criticize is that the story is very cliche. I like the idea of doing a world with government regulated super heroes, and that part is something that isn't done very often, but the story itself around Zero Point is drawing on a lot of major cliches. I really hope that you try to come up with something more unique given this show's plot. I also think Samson should have been the main villian of the series since he seems like a good antagonist. I was sort of sad to see the best character in this show get killed off after only four episodes. Honestly, I think it would have been a more interesting plot to have Samson and Zero Point as rivals, and Samson trying to undermine the government's regulation of post-humans, which seemed like he was trying to do. It would have been very interesting to explore the regulation's effects on superheroes and how they're viewed by Zero Point and Samson given how they both seem to want to do good, but go about it oppositely. However, now we're left with a very obvious main villain of the series, and honestly, there's not much now to come back for since the rest of the story of this is fairly obvious given the cliches. I hope you come up with some more unique aspects of the story rather than "The government is evil and you work for evil" story that seems to be the main focus. You have shown that you have the talent to come up with great stories, given how awesome this world is so far. I just hope that you don't go down the cliche road.

Overall, the series is very interesting, and I do plan to follow it.

Prozac-Boy responds:

Thanks for the feedback, really appreciated it! There's definitely room for improvement with the writing side of things since this is my first time writing a script. The issues outlined will be addressed in the next series, it was quite a learning experience doing this that's for sure!

They need to focus on the nintendo franchises if they're going to bring in more characters. I mean, it's gotten to the point where we have almost as many third party characters as we do Nintendo characters. On that respect, I personally want to see Smithy from Mario RPG get in. I think he's a really underrated villain that didn't get a lot of development that they could have a lot of fun with him if they tried. I mean, Smithy has a hammer he can use, and weapons he can probably summon. I can easily imagine a good move set for him, and his final smash can be his final form in Mario RPG.

Welp... I thought that stuff about Terry Bogard being in Smash was just a rumor. Well then... Guess I'm gonna avoid the DLC. So far I haven't seen one character I want to play as (I can't say I was ever a fan of Banjo Kazooie, but he at least seems like he fits in).

I'm really tired of all these third party people showing up. I wanna see Kirby's response to some of the third party people now in the game.

araskin500 responds:

Already did last year before the game came out


So... Is this supposed to be a Fighterz parody or something? Cause I see very little Dragonball in this when it's in the title... I'm not really sure what the goal is here. I get it's only a trailer, but so far, it just looks too chaotic to tell what's happening or what's being done with what characters.

I admit that I didn't really watch this series when it came out because honestly I didn't find much interest in it. However, after watching it, I must say that you have a lot of potential with this series. I would love to see this series continue, though there are some things that might need work.

The good things in this is that it's got a unique story, and even though the real story hasn't been revealed yet, I get the feeling it's gonna be good with everything set up here. Though honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about where the story's going since not much of the struggle has been set up yet other than them fighting the group of guys and Valas who I assume will become a major rival for the group. The art style is really nice, and the voices aren't bad even if there's some awkwardness in lines here and there.

As for areas that need improvement... This is a bit of a longer list. First problem is that the fight scenes are awkward. The movements don't look natural, and the fighting doesn't really flow that well in this one. Honestly, Valas seems like she just got knocked around because the plot demanded it, since she seemed like she should have no problem taking them all down but just couldn't. The plot also seems to be all over the place currently. Two episodes in, and the only thing close to a struggle with the heroes has been Valas who the group defeated. Honestly, there's been very little in terms of "plot" that has been introduced, and what little has been introduced has felt forced. A tree that shows up on infrared and them seeing an explosion while up at the tree? Seems a little too convenient. Also, the 'devices' they use are basically doing what cell phones do, except for perhaps the infrared vision. I really hope there's something unique there. For example, the guy using the map data really needs to understand that Google Maps exists. Honestly, I would rework the devices into something unique rather than just having them basically be smartphones. I get they were introduced years ago, but cell phones could still do what pretty much what they do now 3 years ago. And why exactly do their "phones" need infrared exactly? I would work on the story for future installments.

Another thing to work on is the humor. I am aware this was written two years ago, and I do understand that many people may find things like fart jokes funny, but honestly, your animation is better off without such childish humor. I can see some people's complaints about pretty sour humor, and I understand their opinions. If you are continuing this, I recommend being a little more classy with your humor. The dialogue, while not bad (aside from some of the humor), is really awkward and also needs more work.

As for the characters... They need some development bad. All I can tell about any of the characters is that Scoot is the main one. That's pretty much it. I don't know who anyone is, or what makes them unique. You took a step in the right direction in this one with giving each of them their own sorta unique style in the fight, but overall, the characters aren't developed enough to really make us care about them. The only real reason Valas stands out in this is that she's a female and an antagonist. The rest of the characters really don't stand out and none of them are unique enough to care about.

All in all, it's a pretty great series that I am curious to see where it goes if it is still being developed. I think with a little work, this can be a really great series if the problems are fixed.

This was a pretty good animation. Good music. It was really short though. I get what you were going for, but there was very little actual content. You probably could have done an animated gif and gotten the same effect. That and having no actual sound effects sorta took away from the movie as well. Overall, it was pretty good though, aside from the lack of sound sorta making the animation a bit bland. Other than that, the animation itself deserved a good mark.

That said, I don't think a scene like this has any place in the RWBY series anymore. Maybe in the Chibi series. Any anime that does the whole beach thing is just fanservice, and RWBY saves all that fanservice crap for the Chibi series cause that's pretty much all that series is. I personally think the RWBY series needs to end. It's completely derailed after Monty Oum died and it's just spiraling downhill in terms of story. The only way you'll probably get one of these scenes is to make it yourself, which it sounds like you already started here.

Well... It was a good attempt. The animation is fairly solid. Though there's moments where the characters stop moving, which sorta takes away from the fight. I assume this was supposed to be like the Decisive Battle sprite fights as it seemed like the same style, but this falls seriously short. The battle is definitely needing to be longer since it was really short, and honestly, you should have just left out the last part after the fight. That meme is dead. Another thing is the sudden changes in music. I assume the first part was a nod to the Decisive Battle flashes, but then it goes into the Iris battle music, which feels like a complete tone-shift.

The animation is good. With a little practice and a little work, I think you could make a pretty good animation. It's just a matter of putting in the time and effort to do so. It feels like you gave up halfway through this and just stopped caring. If you put your full effort into another animation, I think you could do a pretty good job.

NanoSoft responds:

Thanks for making this review!

I wasn't consciously inspired by the Decisive Battle series for this animation, I started this animation as a personal animation, but I find it cool that it got compared to them since I'm a big fan of them myself :P

The part after the fight was something I wanted to include to show the aftermath of the fight, to show the darkness in Zero's life during that time period...I didn't want to capitalize on the meme, but make it serious again like it was intended to be in the 1st place

The changes in music is something that happened late in the animation, initially I was gonna stick to only the X vs. Zero music, but then I listened to the Iris battle theme for the first time, and loved it so much I had to include it in the animation too...but I put alot of effort into the intro with the X vs. Zero music so I kept both in there like the madman I am haha

Thanks for your compliment on my animation style, it definitely needs time and effort.

Here's another animation of mine which you might like more than this one, if you're curious to watch it: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/715665

Once again, thanks for the review!

Found this again after watching this years ago. I remember back when this first showed up on Newgrounds back during the best days Newgrounds had. I loved the animation then just as I do now. The animation is very "Justice League"-y, and I think it fits the theme of the video perfectly. This will always be one of my favorite videos on Newgrounds.

I am a nerd. Nothing else needs to be said...

Darkfire SuperSonic @SS4FlameAlchemist

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