I am a nerd. Nothing else needs to be said...

Darkfire SuperSonic @SS4FlameAlchemist

Age 36, Male

Do I have to answer?

Do I have to answer?

Huh, good question

Joined on 7/19/07

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Posted by SS4FlameAlchemist - July 10th, 2011

All projects are on an indefinite hold.

My computer is getting the blue screen of death. And I don't have any money to repair or buy a new one. I hope to be back in business within the next few months. Hopefully. I'm going to be looking into a new job where I will make more money so I can fix this thing, or get a new computer. I might make some updates here and there, but unfortunately, nothing is probably going to happen anytime soon. My computer also no longer supports CS3. I can use CS3 only as long as I don't update Flash Player to 10, then I loose the capability to use flash CS3 altogether. I have to find a way around it or update my flash program to cs5 (which I won't do because I hated cs4)

This really hurts me. Virus wars is a series that I have planned for a long time and I finally have almost everything I need except for some custom sprites that a friend is doing for me. I was really excited about starting the series and now I can't. I just looked and realized my last flash was about a year and a half ago. I only got thirty seconds into the opening fight, and honestly, it just isn't what I wanted. I was hoping to at least be into the second half by now. Anyway.... That's what's going on.


The thing to do would be to wipe your computer and reinstall the operating system and most likely everything will go back to the way it was. As for the flash files you did well, since it wasn't what you wanted your lucky.

already done. I wiped my computer and reinstalled everything once already. Didn't help. If anything, made things slightly worse.

You wiped your computer and you still get BSOD? How did it make it worse though?

before I wasn't getting a blue screen of death. My computer was just near death and everything always crashed. Now whenever I start up my computer i get the blue screen of death a few times before it finally starts up.

That´s very bad :( I hope you get a new job where you get very much mony :-)

Me too.

I already got a programm to make movies yet.
I´m using Macromedia Flash Professional 8.
I´ll beginn when IO have my new laptop (and that´s next week).
Right now I need to think of an series (megaman).

Megaman series is usually the starting point for most flash and comic makers

Well not an actually Mega Man...
All I can say for now is 3 fanmade heroes (Mario,Sonic and Mega Man)
will be in a series called "Fusion (that´s the enemy)"
And I´ve got to say Macromedia Flash Professional 8 is a perfect programm
to animate them really epic (CS3 too)
But before that I will make some sprite fights to test if my skills r good enough.
That´s all I can say for now...

awwww, i was really fascinated with your jobs :C
hope you get better or sumthing, cya

I just need to get my computer wiped and fixed I fixed about all my problems except that my computer is just crappy

keep us up to date! looking forward to more megaman stuff!! I really love looking at fan made stuff for megaman

I'll try to update once i figure out what's going on