I have been working on and off on Virus Wars Episode 1. I am holding off my other project for now. I am debating whether or not to go back and fix up my other two submissions. both had problems that could easily be corrected, but if I go back to fix the first one, I would just remake it all together... It just wasn't what i wanted it to be at all. But, for now, let's move on. I learned a few new tricks in the production of previous flashes, and I can't wait to incorporate those in Virus Wars. Virus Wars will have voice acting in it with me playing Nightmare X and possibly Axl depending on circumstance. Anyway, enjoy the screenshot. Anyway, yeah... As you notice, something that was pointed out to me that I didn't look at before was that the dashing in the X series had a trail. I have since learned to put in that trail.
I have like 3 new series and robo wars 4 all half way done. I'm just wondering which one i should finish X_X.
Personally, I liked the one with Nightmare Zero... Robo Wars would be good too though.